Islam is a religion of peace and it covers almost every aspect of life and that’s why there have been several issues

covered in the light of ISLAM in the life of a MUSLIM, which includes business and crisis in the business. Holy Prophet (PBUH) was himself a trader of cloth which means a businessman and he always used to guide his companions to go for their businesses in that case, there used to be crises and tough situations as well and they managed it by seeking help from Allah.

21 st Century was known as the century of development and growth and entering into a new era of the upcoming modern world. The wave of COVID-19 disturbed everything and every possibility available for the growth of businesses and this year and the last year disturbed everything including businesses which lead to mental disturbance and anxiety

evidence shows that mankind was never out of crisis and it also shows that they, by keeping their hope maintain always made to overcome it. Throughout, peoples and civilizations are facing adversity at varying levels, as well as what has claimed complete civilizations, and Moslem abounds with several of the ordeals that the state has passed through since the dawn of the message and till nowadays. The best possible option to overcome crises is by seeking help from GOD and then following the path shown by HIM to level down the pressure and loss from the business crisis.

In that light, allows and suggests seeking help from Allah and helps you to get through it. There are several ways to do this and is well aware of them and makes sure to get you out of your business crisis.